Decision Time

As this new year starts I find myself rapidly approaching an important decision. Sales during 2024 were almost non-existent. This baffles me. Especially when I frequently applied discount pricing to my items and advertised more. Plus I enjoyed the high-profile publicity of being on BBC6music’s Loud & Proud Desert Island Disco, and getting the First Minister of Scotland to wear one of my t-shirts to Edinburgh Pride.
I’m indebted to my regular customers who continue to purchase and champion my work. But the bottom line is that the loves and likes from social media won’t pay the bills. And I’m reluctant to put any more of my savings into a venture that’s not providing me with the return on investment that I hoped for.
I’m going to take a little break from work for a while. Time to enable me to reflect on what I am doing creatively, and weigh-up my options. I need to decide whether Gawrjuhs and Gawrjuhs Art have a future, whether I need to take them in a new direction, or whether it’s time to shut-up shop and wave them goodbye.